Fingers and wrists tingle as they flex from a condition caused by compression of the median nerve that travels through a very narrow tunnel in a human wrist. Even a small amount of swelling will cause pain. This pain in the wrist is known as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). The most common cause is repetitive work, but other factors weigh in such as age, gender, weight and disease, to name a few. Because of this, there are stumbling blocks to prove that the pain is considered a workplace injury.
Is Carpal Tunnel a Workplace Injury?
This is frequently debated and an employee has the burden to prove the pain was caused by repetitive work. Repetitive stress injuries have become commonplace as many employees are working on computers all day long, but what if the employee has two jobs? What if the employee has arthritis? What if the employee’s BMI is high? Fortunately, in Pennsylvania CTS has long been recognized as a disease as far as workers’ compensation is concerned.
Burden of Proof
Just because Pennsylvania labels it a disease, the burden of proof is on the employee. Some employees are nervous to report this as an accident for fear of being fired or losing pay. The best defense is if the employee can pinpoint a particular, well-documented moment the pain began.
How Can an Attorney Help?
Many times there is no clear cut cause, so the burden of proof is difficult to navigate. An attorney that specializes in Workers’ Compensation law can help discern whether there is enough evidence to prove the pain is caused by an employee’s normal work duties and that their lifestyle choices did not unduly contribute to its onset. We offer free consultations so we can discuss your case without worry. When you are injured and not working, the last thing you need is more stress. Contact us and we’ll help you turn your life around.