Okay, so beer and severed pinkies only have one thing in common: they’re both discussed on Interrogatories with Josh Camson, a podcast which I recently participated in. Interrogatories with Josh Camson is run by lawyers, about the law, but it is for both lawyers and non-lawyers alike. Josh interviews legal professionals to discuss different areas of the law and to take a deep dive into the guest’s life, both professionally and personally. Since one of my hobbies is all-things breweries and my area of expertise is workers’ compensation (many clients lose their digits at work), Josh and I discuss both in this quick half hour discussion.
Josh is a former comedy writer and lawyer who likes all things tech, so hosting a podcast is right up his alley. With a comedy background, he makes the half hour interview go by very quickly with amusing comic interludes.
Have a listen to learn more about my workers’ compensation firm, about our new location in the Poconos, and, of course, about my hobby of visiting breweries.